The How and Why of Heart Health

Your body is full of vital organs and important systems. The body is complex, and we rely on a lot of different things to keep us happy, healthy, and — of course — alive. But few things in your body are as important as your heart, which is why paying attention to your heart health in as you go about your daily life is important.

Your heart health matters

The heart is a powerful thing, but a lot of things can go wrong with it, say the experts who offer an associate degree in cardiovascular technology. Your heart is responsible for pumping blood throughout your body. Your circulating blood gains oxygen in your lungs and moves on to every corner of your body. The powerful muscles in your heart contract regularly. This is your heartbeat, of course.

But pumping that blood can be tougher or easier depending on what your arteries and veins look like. When you clog up your system with cholesterol, for instance, your heart can struggle and even fail to push the blood through. This is one of the forms of heart disease, a frighteningly common and deadly illness. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of Americans — responsible for more deaths than even cancer.

Heart disease is common, but you can lower your risk by living a healthier life.

Your diet and heart health

Your health heart starts with your diet. Heart health means limiting your intake of fats and cholesterol. “Bad” cholesterol — LDL — is far too common in our diets. Getting more of the “good” cholesterol — HDL — can help counteract this.

Among the best foods to eat for heart health are leafy green vegetables, whole grains, and berries. You can also take fish oil supplements, which have heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Exercise for your heart’s sake

Your heart also benefits from exercise. Make sure that you’re exercising regularly. Most Americans fail to get the recommended half-hour of exercise per day, and that’s bad. A good aerobic workout will get your heart pumping and make it stronger.

Try to incorporate exercise into your daily life. Make exercise a habit, not a chore. Use habits to your advantage, and build up a routine that makes exercise second nature. Swimming is a great idea, because it’s a fun, low-impact exercise that you can enjoy even into old age, when your joints might not be in top form for higher-impact exercises such as running.

And feed those workouts. Without the proper nutrition, your body won’t recover quickly between your workouts. Try a mesomorph pre-workout and examine post-workout options, too. The right supplements can fuel your body and provide you with the nutrients you need to keep exercising.

Supplements can serve as both everyday nutritional aids and as boosts to your other healthy habits, such as working out. In combination with a healthy diet, these sorts of healthy supplements can make a huge difference for your overall health.

A good night’s Sleep

Don’t underestimate the importance of sleep. In fact, seven hours of sleep is considered ideal.

One study found that less calcium formed in the arteries of people who sleep that amount. More calcium, an early sign of heart disease, formed in the arteries of those who slept either five hours or nine hours.

Healthy heart, healthy life

Your heart isn’t the only part of your body that needs care, but it’s among the most important. And making the decision to eat a heart-healthy diet and exercise regularly will also help many other aspects of your health. Choose to care for your heart, and gain a longer and happier life.
