

Outfit Inspiration: GRIMES Fashion

Claire Boucher, known by the moniker, Grimes, took over the charts last year with her synthy pop hits like "Genesis" and "Oblivion." Her quirky style landed her a spread on Vogue, and a style of her own. Grimes fashion often incorporates almost lolita-esqe pieces with bows, ruffles, or wears pigtails with harsh camouflage or black. Lately she has also been sporting more of a hip-hop aesthetic as we[...]

Fashion Inspiration: Stevie Nicks

The Fleetwood Mac gang is set to do a reunion tour in 2013, complete with gypsy witch front woman, Stevie Nicks. Regardless of their current musical talent, I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say I would love to sing along to "Landslide" or "Dreams" with the real live get up. Love her or hate her, she had an iconic style, looking like some sort of witchy forest-dwelling yodeler, who o[...]