4 Types of Furnaces for Your HVAC System

Choosing the right type of furnace for your house is an important decision for any homeowner. Furnaces can run on several different types of fuel, and choosing the right one can help you save money and keep your home at the most comfortable temperature all year round. To get the most out of your furnace, you’ll also want to shop around and find the best and most experienced furnace repair and maintenance company to keep your unit running properly. Here are four types of furnaces that homeowners can consider installing in their HVAC system.

1. Natural Gas Furnaces

Natural gas is the most popular choice for homeowners in the United States today. Gas furnaces usually connect to a municipal line that provides natural gas to your burner through underground pipes. The burner then heats the air and circulates it throughout your house via a series of ducts. Gas furnaces are good at heating each room in your house evenly and are relatively inexpensive because the cost of natural gas is lower than most alternatives; however, gas lines need to be available in your area to make this system work.

2. Oil Furnaces

If natural gas is not available in your area, oil burning furnaces are a good alternative. Oil furnaces are not as efficient at heating your home when compared to natural gas, but they still get the job done. Oil is delivered to your house via a truck and stored in a tank below ground on your property. Oil burners are most popular in the northeastern United States where the winters are colder.

3. Modulating Furnaces

Modulating furnaces are a relatively new technology that allows homeowners to control the temperature of their house more precisely. In fact, modulating furnaces can get your room temperature to within 1/2 degree of the temperature you set it for, while other types of HVAC systems are usually off by as many as five or six degrees. 

The start up cost of a modulating furnace is higher, but it runs steadily at a lower rate, which means your unit will not have to work as hard to heat your house. In the long run, a modulating furnace should lower your monthly bills and will eventually pay for itself.

4. Heat Pumps

A heat pump runs on electricity. It is usually smaller than other types of furnaces and takes up less room in your house. It also can be used for both heating and air conditioning. If the weather gets very cold in your area, a heat pump alone may not be sufficient to keep your house warm, but homeowners in colder climates often combine a heat pump with a furnace to make the system more effective. Consult an expert to determine whether this type of system would work well in your home.There are many types of furnaces available, so speak to a trusted professional to arrange for installation of the type that works best for your particular home. The good news for homeowners is that the newer furnace models are more energy efficient than older units, so installing a new furnace can help save you and your family money in the long run.

Feature Photo via Flickr by stevendepolo
