6 Essential Components of an HVAC System That You Should Know About

Every homeowner should be familiar with the most important components of their HVAC system, how they work, and the different ways this knowledge can help save money on your monthly energy bills. Here is a look at six vital parts of your HVAC system and how they work to keep your house comfortable all year round.

1. Condensing Unit

The condensing unit is the engine of your HVAC system. It’s usually located outside of your home, filled with refrigerant gas, and attached to the evaporator coil. The condenser takes in the coolant in gas form and converts it back to liquid form before sending it back into your house towards the evaporator coil, where it is used to cool your home. 

2. Furnace

The furnace creates the hot air that heats your home when the weather is cold. Furnaces may use one of several fuel sources to heat your home. Some use natural gas, others use oil, and some can use electricity. Either way, the furnace provides your HVAC unit with the hot air it needs to keep your house comfortable. 

It is important to make sure you have the right-sized furnace for your home and the most energy efficient choice of fuel. If you have a furnace that is too large or small, it can be expensive. Consult your local professional to determine what size and type of furnace is right for your home to save you the most money on your monthly energy bills. 

3. Ducts

Air ducts allow the hot or cold air created by your HVAC system to flow throughout your house. Ducts are usually in the floors, walls, or ceilings and are used to send air in and out of your home. They are usually made of aluminum, although other materials are also available. Keeping your ducts clean and free of leaks will also help improve your energy efficiency and reduce your monthly energy bills. 

4. Vents

The vents allow air to be distributed to each room in your house. They are usually placed on the ceiling or the top of the wall of the room, so the air can flow freely and maintain the house at a comfortable temperature. The vents can be opened or closed, and sometimes, they can be moved to control the direction the air will flow into the room.

5. Evaporator Coil

The evaporator coil helps to create cool air in the summer. It is usually located inside a metal case on your furnace. The evaporator coil produces cool air, which is then distributed throughout the house via the ducts.

6. Thermostat

The thermostat is the part of the system that turns the unit on and off and is located on a wall inside your home. Some modern thermostats are programmable and can be set with a timer. 

These are the basic components of your HVAC system. Knowing about them and how they work can help homeowners consult with professionals to find ways to increase energy efficiency inside your home and reduce your monthly energy bills.

Photo via Flickr by Minnaert
