7 Blonde Hair Care Tips You Can’t Overlook

Blonde is slightly different from all other hair colors. Whether you are naturally blonde or had your hair dyed, you need to learn a few hair care tricks. That beautiful golden mane can easily turn into a brassy lifeless rag if you don’t give it sufficient attention.

We asked the experts to share a few blonde hair care tips to help you set up a personal maintenance routine.

1.    Protect The Hair From UV Rays

Blonde locks suffer from UV rays much more than other hair types. The sun can change your color and dry out the hair. Natural blondes may not experience the dryness as much as those who dye their hair a lot. However, their locks need UV protection as well, at least in the summer.

Hair photographer Araman has noted that burned out and lifeless blonde hair looks unfortunate on the pictures. So if you are a fan of Instagram or just care for the quality of your hair, use UV protection spray before going outside. Ideally, consider wearing a hat, especially when you’re planning to spend a whole day in the sun.

2.    Use Purple Shampoo

Purple shampoo is specifically designed to keep the yellowish undertones away from your blonde hair. Purple (or blue) shampoos neutralize the yellow color. Especially dyed blondes should consider avoiding regular shampoos, which can bring the yellowish shades to the surface.

If you don’t find a “purple” shampoo, look for shampoos specifically formulated for blonde hair. They usually contain ingredients necessary to maintain the color.

3.    Don’t Wash Your Hair Too Often

Frequent hair washes don’t just dry out your locks, they keep the color looking dull. The longer you can wait between the washes, the better. Frequent washing stimulates the work of sebaceous glands, which produce more sebum making your hair looking dirtier.

Try not to wash your blonde locks more often than every other day. Schedule your hair wash in such a way that you won’t need to use a hairdryer. Hairdryers dry out your hair, making it more prone to damage.

4.    Consider Deep Conditioning

If you had to bleach your hair to become blonde, your locks are terribly damaged. They need all the help they can get to restore the moisture content. That’s where deep conditioning comes in. Doing deep conditioning on a regular basis can prevent your hair from looking lifeless.

However, you need to be careful and not overdo the conditioning. The ideal approach to deep conditioning is to do it every time you wash your hair. However, try not to deep condition more often than 3 times a week.

5.    Wet Your Hair Before Swimming In The Pool

If you want to protect your hair from soaking in the bleach and other chemicals found in the pools, wash it before diving in. You can carry a bottle of water with you and wet the hair on the go.

If you fail to take care of your hair before swimming in the pool, the high chlorine content can turn it green. Ideally, you should wear a swimming cap.

6.    Moisturize Your Hair

If your blonde locks are thin, they need as much nourishment and moisture as they can get. Consider buying a special oil for blonde hair. It locks the moisture inside while nourishing your hair with vitamins.

There are many hair oils available on the market today, even among men’s hair products. Try to find the one which contains mostly natural ingredients.

7.    Dry Your Hair With A T-Shirt

Sounds strange? The towels create too much friction, which in turn leads to frizz and hair damage. Cotton t-shirts are perfect for taking in the water without damaging your locks. If you don’t have a t-shirt nearby, consider wrapping a towel around your hair and waiting for it to absorb the moisture instead of rubbing the locks with it.
