Coconut Oil Benefits

There’s a lot to be said about coconut oil benefits, because there are so many uses, you’ll want to get a jar for your kitchen and your bathroom and your desk and–I could go on. Okay, first things first, a lot of moisturizers and soaps have mineral oil in them, what’s so bad about mineral oil? Well, if the phrase “by-product of petroleum” doesn’t scare you, then consider that the skin does not absorb it very well. In fact, mineral oil clogs pores, which can in turn deplete your skin of nutrients–which can effect your overall health.

Coconut oil is made up of good fatty acids which aren’t as harsh on the body, taking less time to digest and actually helping lower heart disease. This stuff also improves calcium absorption, eliminates toxins, regulates blood sugar, supplies antioxidants, and may even help with weight loss. That’s only the tip of the ice-burg though, coconut oil doesn’t have to just be purely a cooking ingredient, you can apply it to your skin and hair!


Coconut oil is hydrophobic, which means it’s essentially waterproof, also reducing protein loss and helping dry damaged tresses. It penetrates the tubular structure of your hair, giving you more fullness and protection. There are many methods which can be used: you can use it like a normal conditioner, or use it as a treatment on damp hair. If you choose to use it as a treatment, make sure you work it into your scalp, coconut oil is extremely beneficial up there, it stimulates blood flow and helps control dandruff, even lice! Work the oil into your hair, be careful not to be too messy with it either, that oil will put you flat on your back faster than a Mario-Kart banana peel. You can leave the oil in your hair for two hours, or longer if you wish, even overnight is alright in my book.


Your skin is a delicate flower, it seems like every single thing you do can mess up your well-maintained visage: a job interview, cold weather, too many chips, exercise. Why would you want to put oil on a face? Especially on an oily face? Many people with bad skin swear by it, saying the oil helps to keep skin young and nourished, even those who are acne prone. This can be used allover the body as a lotion, or even a make-up remover. If you use it on your face and it feels too heavy or greasy, try this: after you wash your face, use a small amount of coconut oil, then use the coconut oil to moisturize the rest of your body. Let that oil sit on your face and dissolve into your skin for as long as you can, it can be only a few minutes if need be, but I like to just have it on while I do my hair or something of the like. Then splash cold water on your face a few times, cold water helps close up the pores, and now you won’t look like a total grease monster!  I also use coconut oil as a shaving cream, if you do that, you don’t even need to use lotion after your shower!

Other uses

There are so many ways you can use this stuff–got dry lips? Throw some on! Have a minor burn or scrape? A light layer can help repel dirt while speeding up recovery time.  People even use this as a coffee creamer, which I have yet to try, but I am certainly interested.

Oh, and don’t be freaked out if your coconut oil is a solid chunk of white stuff. Unless it’s hot outside, you normally have to scoop it out of the jar, and rub it between your hands to get that oily consistency. Also, when you’re buying it, don’t go cheap, this stuff will probably last you a while/ I prefer the organic cold-pressed extra-virgin coconut oil, unrefined for the maximum benefits.

One last thing, I really really don’t like the smell of coconut. You can get your gross sun screen smell outta this building right now–but trust me, it doesn’t smell that way. Coconut oil has the scent more akin to a light vanilla, it’s subtle, and I absolutely love it! You won’t smell like a Jamaican tourist, so don’t opt for the refined kind unless you really don’t like smelling wonderful.
