For years men have spent much of their time and effort on perfecting their Man Cave. But a new thing women are doing across the world puts those Man Caves to shame. The newest trend? She Sheds!

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Everyone wants a nice, quiet place they can escape to from the stresses of the day. Men have been hiding out in their Man Caves for a long time now, but women have never had a place they can escape, until now. She Sheds have been taking the world by storm and gee are they cute.
The She Sheds are generally located in a backyard nook and decorated however you like. Some even refer to them as tiny adorable cottages. They are the perfect place for a woman to go relax and read or catch a nap.

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If you browse the Internet for these She Sheds, you will see a variety of styles. Many of them have a place for a garden or even a television. There really are no rules for the She Shed, except make it your own! Fill it with things you enjoy, decorate it to match your style. I suggest to really spend time to think about exactly what YOU want, after all, this shed is all yours!
For example, if you are a fan of neon lights, why not invest in an LED sign for your She Shed? You can find plenty of lighting inspiration for your She Shed by taking a look at this article so do not be afraid to shop around to find the right decor for your style.
What makes these so fun is it reminds me of the little playhouses some of my friends had growing up. They were the coolest! My best friend had the best playhouse in her backyard. A lot of memories were made there and we always dreamed of having a playhouse of our own when we were older. And now we can.
I am curious to see how many of you out there already have their very own She Shed! What is your favorite part about it?
If you don’t already have one, how many of you would build one? I would love to hear your ideas for the perfect She Shed.