

Which Christmas Movies Should Be Remade?

Reboots, remakes and retellings are everywhere in Hollywood these days. Christmas films are no exception. There are a lot of ideas floating around about what Christmas movie is slated to be remade in the upcoming years. With so many classic Christmas movies that have been released over the years, there are a few that I would love to see remade! Christmas Vacation Christmas Vacation is my all-time fav[...]

What can you buy someone who has everything this Christmas?

Christmas is said to be the most we most wonderful time of the year, right? Well, at least according to the song! While Santa will take care of the little ones’ gifts, what do you buy someone who has everything? Here, we look at some interesting ideas to help you spread the Christmas cheer: Hot air balloon ride Okay, so it’s not exactly suitable to go up in the gas cylinder-powered transport duri[...]

How to prepare for the holiday season?

The next wave of holidays is almost here. While Christmas might not be here just not yet, if you go shopping every once in a while, odds are that you've already heard more than enough Christmas songs. So whether you want it or not, you need to be prepared, we all do. I know it sort of sounds like preparing for doomsday or something, but, well, it actually can be similar, sort of. Find your cocoon Y[...]

How to Saber Your Champagne Bottle 101

Be the ultimate party host with the most this New Year’s holiday STEP 1 – Gather your chilled bottle of champagne, some Champagne flutes and sabering object of choice. In order to make the glass more brittle, your Champagne should be refrigerated (38 – 40 degrees). A traditional saber, if you have one, makes for a nice spectacle if you are entertaining guests, otherwise a regular blunt[...]

Two of the Best Holiday Dishes: On a Budget

Tis the season to go super broke on holiday spending. When the holiday season is around the corner, your bank account suffers the most! The expensive gifts, extravagant family dinners, and decorations can take a huge toll on your savings. Lavish dinner parties are the most common events during the holiday season. Loved ones get together, eat, and enjoy each other’s company, away from the stresses of[...]

5 Gift Ideas She Wants and Needs

Lets be honest, you love her, you appreciate her but when it comes to gifts… you just don’t get her. There is nothing more frustrating than spending countless hours trying to come up with the best present only to find her giving you a forced smile as she gets through the wrapper. This holiday season we’ve got your back, following is a list of gifts that will have her grinning from ear to ear.[...]

Simple Ways to Save Money This Holiday Season

The Holidays are literally knocking at the door. If you are sitting there reading this because you have no idea how you are going to stretch the dollar on your bank account look no further cause we’ve got your back. After all the largest sales of the year, Black Friday and Cyber Mondays have come and flown by you with no warning and now you need to make preparations for those endless parties and[...]