All hail Queen Bee! We don’t know how she manages to out do herself every single year but she most certainly does. An event like the usually VMA’s calls for a night filled with talent, fashion and excitement but what we got yesterday was a night that had us feeling proud to be part of this generation. Despite melting when Drake presented Rihanna with her Michael Jackson Vanguard Award and skipping a heart beat when Britney Spears got a little feel of what Geazy is made out of. Beyonce took home more than the four awards she was granted last night she took home everyones respect and awe.

Beyonce put on a medley performance of a lifetime as she with a fifteen minute medley of her album Lemonade, that was released back in April. If you didn’t finish watching the VMA’s absolutely floored you are lying to yourself. Beyonce makes us both jealous and crazy as she once again proves herself to be one of the most creative, dedicated and talented genius of our generation. This surprise performance was introduced by none other than her close friend Serena William and theres is history. We have to give respect where respect is due and Queen Bee damn well deserves it.
Unfortuntaly the video clip for this performance by MTV. But we have placed the link right below. Click on the link and be ready for your life to change.